BB you said:Why should we be subsidising cheap electricity to...

  1. 6,931 Posts.
    BB you said:

    Why should we be subsidising cheap electricity to emissions intensive industries? This seems very counter-productive to me. Surely a foundry that "melts scrap steel using electricity" is not necessarily very efficient - by the way, I don't know what the alternative is, but I do object to energy intensive industries getting a free ride from the government (and therefore from taxpayers like you and I), thereby subsidising pollution into the atmosphere.

    So you do not know the situation of the Company but you do know best.

    How about it is not a big company and cannot use economy of scale to produce stuff with less input. Or how about the physics of the situation requires he use electricity. What ever the reason the guy who runs the show know what is best for his Company. Yet you would tell him to go jump "you useless polluter and I do not care if you go broke".
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