carbon tax: wealth dedistribution by stealth?, page-13

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Thanks for putting up this article, ACB.

    Let's look at a few aspects -

    Cate Blanchett is an Al Gore disciple - trained by Gore
    henchmen in the Gore dogma. She said she was feeling depressed and suicidal about tthe future of the environment (as she saw it) before she went to these Gore propoganda sessions, husband in tow. Al Gore, allegedly, is an out and out fraud - and lies, as he did in his much over-ranted movie. which teenagers now worship as gospel.

    I take issue with her depression/suicide statement for one thing. A world-leading actress would do well to stick to drama - and not dredge up such superficial melodramtic lines which frankly are an insult to the despair and suffering of people who do actually endure depression and suicidial intent.

    This is a lot about Blanchett and her self-image as some sort of world warrior - and very little about REAL people, fighting everyday battles just ot keep their kids fed, etc.

    Stick to acting please Cate. Or give it up, donate your millions to worthy causes, and come out of dreamworld and work in the soup kitchens.
    + + + + + + + + +
    If certain journalists on the Australian are of the Right -
    this is an overdue and long awaited break-through in the Iron Wall of leftism which hs dominated all Australia media for the last 40 years. You mean we have an excellent National newspaper, at last employing journalists who can think for tehmselves, devoid of trendy Leftist doma?

    Take that well known heavy Leftist Melbourne rag, "The Age". NOTHING on page 1 today about our two latest soldiers being killed and murdered in Afghanistan. Not a word!

    This paper is so Left (thanks Fairfax) you need gumboots to wade through the Marxist mud.

    The new Labor buzzword is no longer "Global Warming". That has now been changed to "Climate Change". This also covers any possibilties - including a new Ice Age. Much safer that one!

    Melbourne just had it's coldest autumn for 411q years.

    Darwin just had it's coldest May for all time - since records began.

    Greg Combet now denies they lied about "No Carbon Tax" on election eve. He now tells us that they were planning it all along - it was called ETS. And Gillard was talking about HER government - the Government in now is not HER government - or words to that effect!

    Yep! This Government is now sprouting little tin
    "dictators" - so come July 1 we won't know Arthur from MArtha in terms of who's actually calling the shots!

    As usual, behind the Garnaut head - lots of horrible "pollution" from chimneys - they keep doing it and we keep telling them it's steam.

    But Mrs. McGillacuddy down the street doesn't know that. So she rushes to bring in her washing.

    If you lie often enough, eventually "the people" will come to believe it is the motto of these word-twisting shysters.

    Australia - what did you do to deserve this shabby treatment
    from such lying, agenda incompetents and paid compliers.
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