carbon tax: wealth dedistribution by stealth?, page-31

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "a small percentage will go to the UN."
    Somehow you neglected to mention that the small percentage for UN is a massive 10% that comes of the top of the gross of the collected loot to pay for a job for rudd so that gillard can get rid of him...

    "The Carbon tax will raise around $13 billion a year."
    10% of $13 billion comes to about $1.3 billion each year to pay for gillard to get rid of rudd and to pay for rudd's salary package...

    That seems somewhat expensive to me...

    But it indeed may be less expensive than rudd's blank-check-to-get-a-un-job-strategy he is now employing

    "Remember alot of these companies are exporters so they can not pass their costs onto Australians."

    So that disadvantages our exporters by burdening them with higher, unnecessary and arbitrary costs, still dont understand?

    "This tax will not send our entire economy into a tail spin."

    socialist gillard's arbitrary and punative carbon-tax-cash-grab with a cosmetic cover of "saving-the-planet-single-handedly" is a radical re-ordering of Australian society as designed by radical lunatic-fringe and childless leaders who do not have, and cannot possibly have , any real, heart-felt knowledge and understanding of the basis of Australian society.

    It is not only a cash-grab that will impoverish millions of battlers and struggling families already greatly stressed by the waste and rorting laid to our economy by the incompetent gillard government, but will create and unlease a powerful set of perverse incentives for individuals and industries to penalize productivity and reward do-nothings and industries that quickly adopt a "substitution-with-imports-in-place-of-any-local-production" or a "relocate-production-offshore-to-China" strategy...

    The carbon-tax-cash-grab must increase every year as it is designed to and become increasingly punative and so starting rates and total amount of loot collected the first year is immaterial...

    It is still an unnecessary, increasing, arbitrary and intrusive burden that will provide increasing incentives that strengthen year by year to force relocation of Australian local industries to offshore locations, and to eliminate local production in favor of imports.

    If there could be a strategy designed to efficiently destroy the local Australian economy and industrial base over a number of years this carbon-tax-cash-grab would surely be a strong contender...

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