carbon tax, page-5

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    andrew bolt has summed it all up. this will go down as gillards greatest con.

    The fix is in, and shame on any commentator who falls for this childish spin:

    THE Australian Greens have secured a deputy chair position on a new parliamentary climate change committee, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced.

    The committee will receive independent advice from four experts - Ross Garnaut, Will Steffen, Rod Sims and Patricia Faulkner.

    Ms Gillard will chair the committee while Climate Change Minister Greg Combet and Greens climate spokeswomen Christine Milne will serve as co-deputy chairs.

    Ms Gillard said the committee would start from the position that a carbon price was required to reduce pollution and encourage investment in low-emission technologies.

    Note already that the committee skips what should be the start of any discussion. As in: is a carbon price actually worth the pain? Will cutting our emissions actually achieve anything? Is a rise in global temperatures actually good for us? Isn?t it suicidal to slash our tiny emissions before the rest of the world - and especially the biggest emitters - agree to do likewise?

    So right away this committee is fundamentally rigged to dodge debate and produce the ?right? result. What?s sold by Gillard as an exercise to achieve ?community consensus? is a con - this is the consensus you reach simply by excluding everyone who doesn?t agree with you. In fact, Gillard today made that explicit:

    ?Parliamentary members of the committee will be drawn from those who are committed to tackling climate change and who acknowledge that effectively reducing carbon pollution by 2020 will require a carbon price,? Ms Gillard said.

    This is why the Coalition will not be taking up of the offer of two seats on the committee, which will be stacked instead by ideologues, including Greens leader Bob Brown:

    There will also be two Greens and representation from the independent MPs. Independent Tony Windsor already has indicated his willingness to be a member of the committee.

    Another con. On the committee?s agenda will be the carbon ?levy? - actually tax - that Gillard repeatedly ruled out before the election, when there were nervous voters to fool:

    The committee will consider mechanisms for introducing a carbon price, including a broad-based emissions trading scheme, carbon levy, or a hybrid of both.

    Contrast that to this solemn promise of just six weeks ago:

    There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.

    A carbon tax is actually a demand of the Greens, which now seems in charge of Labor?s global warming agenda. After all, Ross Garnaut had already done an extensive report for the then Rudd Government on exactly these questions, among others, and settled on an emissions trading scheme. Holding yet another inquiry just buys Labor more time for further delay, but also offers the Greens a prize - the hope of getting something even tougher and more damaging to our economy. Note that this committee aims to produce a ?consensus? among its members (two of them Greens) that will actually form the Government policy.

    But let?s get to the remaining deceit here. The four ?independent experts? appointed by Gillard to advise the committee include people who are either not expert (in global warming policies, at least) or not independent.

    Take Patricia Faulkner, who has no expertise in global warming policies at all and seems to have been chosen instead for her Leftism, social activism and bureaucratic skills - all the hallmarks of a classic apparatchik:

    Patricia Faulkner has had an extensive career covering both the public and private sectors. She is currently the chair of the Australian Social Inclusion Board and the Chair of Jesuit Social Services. Jesuit Social Services is a small welfare based organisation that looks after people at the margins of society. She is also a Chair and Member of a range of health care and government advisory services boards, including the Federal Government Health and Hospitals Infrastructure Fund; and, the Council of Australian Governments Reform Council. She has spent 10 of the last 20 years as a partner with KPMG leading both their health and social policy sectors.

    Then there?s the alarmist Will Steffen, who is indeed a climate scientist, but not one independent of this Government;

    Professor Will Steffen is Executive Director of the ANU Climate Change Institute at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, and is also Science Adviser to the federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency.

    Add Treasurer Wayne Swan to the committee, and the Government?s global warming policy is being decided (so far) by three Labor ministers, two Greens and an independent who knows little about global warming but is sure we must Do Something. And the six of them will be guided by four experts who turn out to be an alarmist scientist, a welfare activist, a big business representative and an alarmist economist.

    Be scared.

    This committee is little better than a propaganda outfit, designed to sell a ?solution? already agreed upon in the broad - and which in detail may break one of Gilllard?s most solemn election promises. The ?community consensus? it pretends to be developing is no more than a fix and a fraud.


    Need more evidence of deceit and broken promises?

    Julia Gillard, September 9. on her deal with the independents:

    Indeed, this process, born of parliamentary deadlock, has resulted in more openness, transparency and reform in how we conduct our Parliament and the business of government than at any other time on modern Australian politics. Throughout this process of forming a new government we?ve been open with the Australian people. To quote Rob Oakeshott, sunshine is the best disinfectant, and we?ve agreed to far-reaching reforms that make me as Prime Minister and our government and how it functions more accountable to the Australian people. So, let?s draw back the curtains and let the sun shine in; let our parliament be more open than it ever was before. That?s real reform, and that?s the direct result of the election.
    Julia Gillard, September 27, on her deal with the Greens for this climate committee:

    The Committee will ensure its deliberations and papers remain confidential to the Committee and the Cabinet until a final position is agreed or all parties to the Committee agree otherwise.

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