carbon tax, page-2

  1. 11,316 Posts.

    How is that Australia can think of having a carbon tax, which is designed to reduce carbon emissions and help the 'Worlds' environment.

    This is my 12th and last post.

    Even if Australia did reduce CO2 emissions with a carbon tax,not likely or not.

    The world population demand for food, water, shelter and the big emitter that we are so scared off, energy by coal power stations would have to explode in numbers to supply demand, e.g. China , India and etc in the future and as I type.

    The little bit of reduction at a huge cost that Australia could do, would not even be notice.

    CO2 will always be here, if not we die.

    If too much CO2 is a problem, than we must focus on curtailing population growth as this is the real threat on all resources.

    Mother nature will find a balance if mankind doesn't.

    The birth to death of a human being is no different than the birth and death of human race on earth.

    It will just be on a large time frame. I can't see the human race lasting forever,especial at the birth rate today.



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