carl williams dead, page-118

  1. 5,073 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2306
    some interesting debatable point of views on this thread regarding the Death penalty etc... thought I might add a little of my own opinion, don't shoot me down ;(.. sorry for the long post...

    The Death penalty would certainly cause some serious turmoil if introduced to this country, I see advantages of it, but also some major down sides...

    For me personally I think if a 100% proven convicted felon that brutally killed an innocent person/child should not have the privilege to have a room and 3 meals a day along with other prison benefits, and yes why should us tax payers pay a single cent for such a monster to continue breathing, In saying that I do think there should be a chance for the person to reform some what, maybe be given a chance to repent his ways publicly and Spiritually if he feels convicted to do so, however he/she should be made an example of to the Country that we will not tolerate such horrific behaviour.. such proven Monsters as James Beauregard make our justice system look like a joke... There are hundreds of these kind of guys that are in and out of jail all year round.. Something needs to be done to make our legal system more harsh...

    When I was in my late teens/early twenties I was what you would easy call a bad boy, involved with drugs along with association of known bad boys, Friday/Saturday night out would see one of us in trouble with the police or in a major fight, was just a bad place I lived and a time of my life I rather forget... One night the boys went out and I wasn't well, stayed home... After the pub was closed 3 of my mates were walking home when a drunk idiot decided to verbally abuse them, they all gave him a whack around the head, couple of boots in the ribs etc. The poor guy had to have a plate in his jaw and other work done.. the 3 boys got sent to Jail for 2 years, out in 18months... young and stupid and simply subject to bad influence.. When one of them came out I caught up with him for a night out (this is like 20years ago), his head was shaved, covered in tatt's, he was massive, arms like tree trunks.. Jail made him worse, his exact words to me were " I had it better inside, 3 meals a day, got to watch TV, work out, play sport, smoke weed... no stress of money.. only thing that was hard was no women, but there are some pretty boys in there.." ... sent a shiver down my spine, he said he would be happy to go back.... why am I telling you guys this, simply cause the legal system is a joke... If there was a death penalty and harsher consequences for your actions maybe, just maybe, the younger generation may think twice before they commit some horrific act...

    Now on the other hand, there have been cases such as Lindy Chamberlain that turned this country upside down at the time, the evidence against her had major holes in it and later saw her pardoned after years of Jail time, many at the time would have been happy to see her put to death... whether you think she was innocent or not is not the point, the point is she was found innocent, yet if there was a death penalty I'm sure she would have been facing it...

    So what is the answer for criminals as Carl Williams that are known for there gangland activities, known to murder.. what about the consistent rapes that go on day after day?... what do we do to get through to the criminal mind.. Public hangings in the dark ages would see families bring there children to watch a grown man hang to death, this was in aid to get through to the children that crime does not pay... would such an act help society these days?... For me I am confused and really don't know the answer if the justice system should play God and choose who lives and who dies... However, I know that if I saw a man brutally rape and murder a young child before my eyes I would not think twice to put a bullet in his head...
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