carlssnooker - warmongers are dangerous idiots

  1. 2,839 Posts.
    G’day Snooker,
    Hope you have had a profitable day’s trading, as I’m sure you have, judging from your unusually tempered response to my post.
    Very interesting day in the mining section, as I’m sure you’ll agree, particularly if your interests, like mine, lie primarily in Ag & Au.

    Now, let’s get down to business:
    As part of my previous post I stated: "If Australia and Israel are ever in a state of conflict, whose side do you think they (being you and your fan club) will be on?"

    Your opening gambit, rather than responding to the question, was to pose rhetorical nonsense in the form of a riddle, probably best saved for late in the evening after you’ve had a couple.

    Amongst the answers that I thought would suit my question were:
    (a) Australia,
    (b) Israel
    (c) Don’t really know, until God forbid, it actually happens, and I’m forced to choose.

    I believe that 95% of the general population, born in Australia, would answer (a)
    I believe that foreigners of the Jewish faith would overwhelmingly vote (b)
    with the remainder of (b) voting (c).

    Now let’s turn the tables and deal with the same scenario re the recent Jihad declared on Australia, which as we have all become aware obliges Muslims the world over to destroy us, as decreed by the official representative of the Islamic Empire.

    Substitute “Islamic Empire” for “Israel” in the original question and also in answer (b), and I’m betting that if that question were posed here in Australia to Muslims, both foreign born and domestic, the answer would be a resounding (b)……no fence sitters with this lot.

    Where’s it all going to end Snooker?
    You hate them, they hate you….and now as a result of all this crap going on in the Middle East, they hate us too, not to mention Uncle Sam.
    Me, I don’t like anybody very much….so there’s nothing personal in any of this.

    So Snooker, let me enlighten you and members of your fan club about my country, Australia.

    Australia, like the USA, UK etc. opened it’s doors and threw out the welcome mat to those DPs, refugees etc. fleeing conflict and persecution in their respective homelands. All we asked, in return for a fair go here, was to leave your problems and prejudices behind and, most importantly, don’t brainwash your children into perpetuating the hatreds here.
    It’s a small ask, and in return we will comfort you, provide solace for you and in due course, if you behave, award you citizenship of this fair land.

    What am I trying to convey here?

    I guess what I’m saying is that if you want to reside in my country, not just use it as a temporary convenient haven, and be accepted as an equal, here’s a few clues on how to blend in:
    Live as I do, have the courtesy to learn and speak my language, adopt and respect my customs, habits and way of life, love my flag and swear allegiance to it above all others and leave the chip on your shoulder at your point of entry.
    There’s more, but if you can’t meet those few simple criteria, then this isn;t the place for you.
    Hey Snooker, that’s me matey, pretty well an open book, but true blue through and through, if that phrase means anything to you.
    If it doesn’t, hoist up the “flag of convenience” you and your ilk sail under, and move on.

    As I said earlier on, nothing personal, I’m just fed up to the gills with people taking advantage of my country’s hospitality.
    You obviously love Israel above all else, and good on you for the coutage of your convictions, so why not go and live there where you can be directly involved in the running of the place. Venting your spleen on my country doesn’t help your cause one little bit.

    Enjoy the weekend.

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