carlssnooker - warmongers are dangerous idiots, page-33

  1. 930 Posts.
    re: yak/bears & bulls & snooker - warmongers are d My God, you poor pathetic brain dead broken record. Is that your shining examples of multiculturalism??

    Fallguy you are mentally and spiritually bankrupt. I dont believe you are so stupid to use that as your Case Celebre'...
    Holy Sh!t... Ahahahahha.

    Canada is ripping itself apart over the French /English divide. what a great example.

    "Language and Law in Quebec
    The protection of language and culture from foreign

    intrusion though legislation and government policies has

    become a controversial issue in the past seven years.

    In Quebec, and in Canada as a whole, the question on the use

    of French and English has created serious political

    debate that nearly caused Quebec to succeed from Canada. The

    French speakers of Quebec, the Quebequers, have a unique

    French identity, and have long felt that English

    speaking Canadians have in many ways threatened the

    existence of that identity."

    uhoh.....what was that i just read?.."identity.""Succession".? isnt that like ..."FRACTURED"..?Next.

    US. Whole neighbourhoods of Hispanics, yes . But i wouldnt call that a shining success either , now they want spanish schools, language, and infrastructure. Wait for the next demand. A separate Hispanic State. You , along with your insulated mates are dreaming.Fool.
    It'll be on , just watch.

    And what about Malaysia. they all hate each others guts . based upon ethnicity.
    "Mahathir, speaking during the Indian Deepavali celebration of good over evil, said that while Malaysia was an Islamic country "the minority races need not feel threatened or fear losing their identities".

    However, he said, young Malaysian now tended to mix mainly with people of their own race.

    "Malaysia will not progress if there is no unity and understanding among the people. For the sake of the country, the government will take measures to further promote interaction, especially among the younger geneneration.""

    Bewdy Fallguy.. just like yugoslavia under was repressed by force...the strongman dies....and it burns itself to a crisp.....cretin award. next.

    Oh, there werent anymore.. Ok try to bolster your tally.
    Sri Lanka...Bonza
    The former Soviet Socialist Republic. fractured straight along ethnic lines.(they loved each other too, how sad)
    Hey then there was the satellite states,even Czechoslavakia wasnt satisified, it split in two...oh boy!.
    Cyprus is good....NOT!
    Spain and the Basques...another beaut.
    Damn this is too easy.
    India, became 3
    Turkey ..poor old Ataturk..he tried but Fallguys mates just dont want to play ball. Look out for the crunch now , the secular state will be dead.
    Northern Ireland.....Begorrah! Dont pass me that parcel, shamus.
    indonesia...Multicultural heaven ...hahaha O Lordie Me.
    Oh . i forgot about the Inuit in Canada..we want our own can pay the bill.....Derr

    you know Fallguy you did mention those countries with culture dating back thousands of years ..i guess you mean China and Japan.....strange ..they are also the most monocultural ghettoes on the planet.
    China's "sinocised "its immigrants,invaders, call them what you will. while in the west , the Romans "romanised" their territories . they knew way back then a fractured nation was "Death". Of course the Roman empire collapsed for the same reason we will if we succumb if we let you and your airhead friends have your way. Lots of little nation states...LebbaKemba", .."CaporTwoMatta".

    Please note... those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it"!
    "Because of factors such as the "free citizenship" now offered by Rome and the lack of available manpower, Rome's army, which had been the symbol of its power, was left unorganized and nearly useless. Because of this, the Barbarians began to infiltrate the Western Empire, first as small groups of settlers and mercenaries, but eventualy in whole tribes or "hoardes". They detected the military impotence of the Romans, and exploited it to establish their own kingdoms. Thus the political entity known as the Roman Empire came to an end, and the Germanic kingdoms of western Europe began to flourish. " Note the kingdoms that flourished were "united".??
    you poor confused fool.

    I dont think i even need to mention the Japs.lolol
    they didnt like your idea, it seems, thats why they had cultures that lasted for millennia.
    ..thanks for backing me up on the unity point. Need any plaster for that bullethole in your foot, or do you think it will be a great accessory item for the one in your head?.

    I think youve made quite a big enough fool of yourself tonight, Fallguy, take a break go watch SBS, just hope its not dubbed in Arabic.

    "A day wthout poking my finger in Fallguys eye is like a day without sunshine"
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