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Hi Watso,Im getting worried again. Not about GDA but the fact...

  1. 1,377 Posts.
    Hi Watso,
    Im getting worried again. Not about GDA but the fact that you seem to have some paranoia about this stock and pastel who improperly upset you many a time is not even posting on this thread. So your beef must be with the people at GDA office. Everything I have seen you post on other threads shows you to be a perceptive and knowledgeble individual. However, in respect to GDA that seems to have gone out the door and over the top and I no not why. You have posted over and over similar material whether on the consolidation or otherwise and the postings IMO are no longer in the spirit of what Hot Coppers use is intended for.

    In your latest post, you say the gdaoa shares will not get exercised. That may well be the case given the 5c price but it is not proper to make a definite statement like that as in theory they could be exercised if something were to be announced by the company prior to May and caused the GDA sp to jump. Further, you say the company spends $2mill a year doing nothing. This statement is grossly improper and you should willingly withdraw it as unsubstantiated nonsense. Watso, as I say I am a little bewildered at why you take such a strident and non rational approach with GDA when on other threads I respect your input. I hope you will respectfully consider the above and make moderation an unnecessary option.

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