cassidy's treatment of akerman on insiders

  1. 808 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I think the treatment of Piers Akerman on Insiders is consistently disgraceful. Many times, when he is attempting to make a point, his comments are drowned out by derisive laughter, snide comments from Cassidy and the other guests. If Cassidy doesn't respect his views, well don't invite him onto the show!

    Akermans, Nikki Sava and Gerard Henderson are generally treated with gross disrespect by the clearly partisan Cassidy. The ABC uses these three as the token right wingers and represent to lefty ABC-types, the unattractive face of conservative thinkers.

    The ABC's hatred of the News Ltd organisation and anyone that works within it, is blatant as seen by their hysterical attacks on last week's Telegraph front page.

    I have followed The Australian pretty closely over the decades, and the current feud with the Labor Govt really only started when it began to expose the waste and rorts in the BER and pink bats programs. And it is this type of journalistic freedom that we must have so that corrupt and incompetent govts like the one we currently have, can be exposed for what they are. Conroy is not a fit and proper person to serve in an Australian Parliament.
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