catalyst: extreme weather, page-3

  1. 3,528 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 105
    With the changes in the weather in the Northern Hemisphere, the world may become more dependent on food production in the Southern Hemisphere?
    Discussion about food security in the future is a serious issue.

    The US is seeing the effects first hand. The President Obama's Climate Action Plan is a response.

    Key facts about US emissions:
    • Recent energy technology and economic trends have led to a decline in US emissions, which peaked in
    2000. In 2010, emissions were 6 per cent below 2005 levels. This compares to the US emission target of 17
    per cent below 2005 levels by 2020. (On 2000 levels, as used by Australia, this target is a 21 per cent
    • The US has one of the largest renewable energy capacities in the world. In 2012, despite a total fall in
    investment due to policy uncertainty, the US added more capacity from wind energy than any other
    technology. Total investment in 2012 was $39 billion. The industry employs around 611,000 people.
    • The US government has passed ambitious emission standards that will see the fuel economy of passenger
    vehicles double by 2025. This will have a significant impact, since transport emissions account for 27 per
    cent of US emissions (compared to 15 per cent in Australia), with eight cars for every 10 Americans.
    • In 2012, a drought covered nearly two-thirds of the contiguous United States, impacting 164 million people
    and leading to multi-billion dollar agricultural losses. Last year also saw the Atlantic basin experience an
    above-average hurricane season, in terms of intensity of the storms, for a third consecutive year. Hurricane
    Sandy claimed over 100 lives and significantly damaged infrastructure, roads, homes across the northeast
    US and the Caribbean.

    We get sad, sad people that can't accept the climate science?
    Grow up.
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