Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump put $10 Billion into a Program to Depopulate the US, page-2

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    CatherineAustin Fitts - Why Have Americans Forgotten Trump's Treachery?

    Monday, April 22, 2024 19:09

    by Leo Hohmann


    Fitts says, had she been the president, “I would have taken abullet in the head before I would implement a culling of the Americanpopulation.”

    Catherine Austin Fitts shreds Trump acolyte in the most brutal7 minutes you will find on the internet

    The former president ‘put $10 billion into a military program todepopulate Americans’. There are truths and then there are inconvenienttruths.

    Why did President Donald Trump sign off on Operation Warp Speed inJuly 2020 and place U.S. Army General Gustave Perna in charge of it?

    I have heard many reasons for this strange move. None of them ringtrue. It remains one of the more closely guarded secrets of U.S.presidential history. Even the corporate mainstream media, which regularlycompares Trump to Adolf Hitler, seems uncurious about Operation Warp Speed andwhat led up to Trump’s decision on that policy matter. How was the deal made?We may never know.

    There are only two options, according to Catherine Austin Fitts, afinancial expert and former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. Trump either knew what he was doing would betremendously destructive to human life and did it anyway. Or, he did not knowand got rolled by smarter people in unelected positions that hold much morepower than the man holding the office of the president. Watch Fitts explain in this fascinating video.

    While I don’t know why Trump approved Operation Warp Speed, I doknow what it accomplished. By declaring a “public health emergency” and placingthe injections under “medical counter measures” overseen by the military, Trumpwas able to bypass a landmark component of the free world — informed consent asrequired by the Nuremburg Code. Whether he knew it or not, this one single moveempowered the Luciferian death cult to have its way with millions of people’s lives.

    Catherine Austin Fitts drops a lot of truth in the above clip, butif you take away nothing else, take away this one statement: There is noright versus left, there is no Trump versus Biden. There is a machine incontrol of a spending machine that is financed with our taxes, and debt barredin our names, that is being sold into our pension funds and into our retirementaccounts. There is that machine, and that machine, to keep balancing the books,is implementing a depopulation plan. That is the reality that has to be faced.And changing the president won’t matter.”

    We are not up against any single man or woman in this fight forour freedom. We are up against a “machine,” or as I would call it, a system. Abeast system.

    And just like there is no single man or woman who personifies ourenemy in this battle to live free, there is no person who alone will save usfrom it.

    Fitts says if she had been the president, “I would have taken abullet in the head before I would implement a culling of the Americanpopulation.”

    That’s a person who stands on principle. That’s exactly the typeof person this beast system in control of Washingtonwill never allow to be elected president of the United States. They want anindividual who will cut deals and make trade-offs.

    Deal making may be a virtue in business but not in politics. It’soften a cover for cowardice and the propensity to always take the path of leastresistance. This is the route that politicians gravitate toward. Then they lieto us about what really happened. And the media covers for them.

    If the corporate media really hated Donald Trump as much as theypretend to hate him and believed he was as evil as they say he is, all theywould need to do to take him down is admit that the mass injection programplaced toxic chemicals into the bodies of millions of Americans of all ages,and then blame him for setting it all in motion. The shots had known sideeffects up to and including death. But they won’t do this. That is the oneTrump policy they won’t touch.

    Fitts says: “In October 2019, when everybody in Americawas being entertained by the teenage sex life of the Supreme Court nominee,Kavanaugh, the House, the Senate, Democrat and Republican, both sides of theaisle, got together and approved Statement 56 of the Federal AccountingStandards Advisory Board, which said that they could keep secret books. Thatwas everybody, together, OK? So there is no right versus left, there is noTrump versus Biden. There is a machine …”

    So we have an all-powerful machine, a system (I call it a beastsystem), that runs the country and the world. This system is satanic at itscore and the sole reason for its existence is to kill and injure as many peopleas possible through multiple vectors: Vaccines, poisons in the food, air andwater, and wars.

    Inevitably people will chastise me for this article because itbursts their idealic imaginations of what America is. Please don’tmisunderstand. If the choice is between Trump or Biden I’d take Trump any dayof the week. But that’s not much of a choice. All I am suggesting is thatconservatives should not attribute superhero status to Trump. He isn’tdeserving of it. He gets weak-kneed like any other politician. He’s a man whosefeet need to be held to the fire every day to make sure he stays true to conservativevalues. And if he by some miracle ends up back in office, he will be difficultto hold accountable given the fact that he will be a lame duck on day one.Trump has already softened his position on abortion and has proven he’s infavor of injections meant to cull the population. What other surprises would aTrump 2.0 have in his bag of tricks?

    The American Empire is falling. Now is the time to prepare forthis inevitability. Because it will not fall without a final, painful, end-gamescenario of war and conflict. No human leader will be able to stop this fall.

    Throughout this process, we can remain confident in God ourprotector and His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He will not abandonhis faithful servants in a time of distress. is 100 percent reader supported, not beholden toany corporate or government ads or sponsorships. If you appreciate my work andwould like to support it, you may send a contribution of any size c/o LeoHohmann,

    P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA30264
    , or via credit card below.


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