Here are some key points highlighting contradictions between...

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    Here are some key points highlighting contradictions between Catholicism and the teachings of Yeshua according to Scripture:
    1. Veneration of Mary – Catholicism elevates Mary as "Queen of Heaven" and "Mediatrix," while Scripture teaches Yeshua is the only mediator (1 Timothy 2:5).
    2. Papal Authority – The Pope is regarded as the "Vicar of Christ," a title suggesting Christ’s representative on Earth, contradicting Yeshua’s teaching that no man should take a place of spiritual supremacy (Matthew 23:9).
    3. Confession to Priests – Catholics confess sins to priests for absolution, while Yeshua taught direct repentance to YHWH (1 John 1:9, Matthew 6:6).
    4. Tradition over Scripture – Catholicism holds both Scripture and Church tradition as authoritative, whereas Yeshua rebuked traditions that nullify God’s commandments (Mark 7:8-9).
    5. Infant Baptism – Catholic practice includes infant baptism, but Yeshua’s teachings emphasize belief and repentance before baptism (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38).
    6. Eucharist/Transubstantiation – The Catholic belief that the bread and wine literally become Yeshua’s body and blood contradicts His clear use of symbolic language during the Last Supper (Luke 22:19-20).
    7. Purgatory – Catholicism teaches the existence of Purgatory, a state for souls to be purified before entering heaven, which has no basis in Scripture (Hebrews 9:27).
    8. Praying to Saints – Catholics pray to saints for intercession, while Yeshua emphasized praying directly to the Father (Matthew 6:9-13).
    These points highlight differences between Catholic doctrine and what Yeshua taught in Scripture.
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