I understand that but perhaps Martin Luther was referring to...

  1. 5,184 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I understand that but perhaps Martin Luther was referring to living faith, not dead faith in the same sort of way I do. In any case, I don't follow Protestantism because there are so many varieties out there and there are so many conflicting teachings. That's another reason I am happy to be in a Greek Orthodox Church - they are at least far more consistent in their teachings and their traditions, even though I don't abide by all of their teachings and certainly not many of their traditions. I am happy to report though that our priest and a deacon of Australia agree with my explanation of how Salvation is applied. I used to be troubled by what they appeared to be teaching but when I went into a thorough talk with them it cleared up any confusion I had. Of course, some of those who attend the same church have the wrong approach but that's to be expected in any church. I have convinced a few to the correct way but others remain unconvinced.

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