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caza update, page-11

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    Hi all, as I'm sure some of you may be aware, Chairman John McGoldrick of Caza Oil & Gas gave a insightful presentation the other night in London to a large audience comprised of about 100 "top-brass looking" investors at the Proactiveinvestors one2one forums. I've been following the feedback from that night from posters in the UK who attended, and thought I'd capture a summary of their thoughts. With all due respect, I've also included their alias name (in bold) so credit / ownership can be given where it rightfully belongs. Here goes...

    Mr Dross wrote:

    ..."anyway we know as fact the rig is on site now at MB#1"

    Ardua wrote:

    "Very bullish about Arran; feels that the independant resource estimates are very conservative."

    TigerG wrote:

    "I was there. I had got the impression they have huge amount of data which could lead to potential wells and lots of them. He repeated a few times that ARRAN prospect is going to be company changing. What is unbelievable is that how quickly they can move to production after a well is proved."

    WazBlue wrote:

    "I got that impression too Tiger. There was nothing conservative about his presentation on the Arran figures. With details for low and mean figures, he concentrated on the high end figures. I believe that he believes this is more likely!

    Generally got the sense that this is a man who undestands the geology in place in is exceited at what lies ahead.

    Similarly impressed with speed to production. No messing about with deep sea wells - just low-tech engineering, like turning on a tap - I hope....."


    "Arran spud will happen over weekend with sixty day drill. 35 percent cos but jm reckons this is conservative."


    "Need to add that as a geologist I take his feelings for cos way over the statistical 35 percent the stato's have arrived at.

    Personally, will top up tomorrow as he seems surprised that all this acreage remains untapped."

    This Time Next Year 2009 wrote:

    "Although there where 3 presentions, its seemed perfectly clear to me that most people where only there for CAZA, and the room was packed with about 100 mainly top-brass looking investors, including those standing at the back, since almost all seats where taken.

    For me the highlights were the following:


    Raising �18.9m at 42p was very easy. 23 out of 26 institutions bought in, with several of them being new.


    McGoldrick couldnt emphasize enough the importance of the 3D sesmics they had.

    He mentioned how no oil company in the world- including the big boys- have as fuller sesmics as they have for Texas and Lousiana with a massive 8,000 sq miles covered.

    Their drilling targets are based upon a merging of a staggering 15 individual surveys to give a much clearer picture of where to drill.


    Spudding is "imminent" on this massive target with no reason to change mid-January, so RNS due any day IMO.

    It will take 60 days to TD, then perhaps a month to play around with things before full results.

    The target is a "4-way closure" that is geoloically one of the best traps for potential oil you can get.

    He stated he would be very dissapointed if it didnt come off, and mentioned how, in Louisiana, very few wells fail and when they suceed, fraccing is very rarely necessary."

    hitman1 wrote:

    "I was there..

    just to say the Arrun project is unlikely to require any fracturing, so once drilled, give them a few weeks to test/logs etc and then link up to pipe. no delays. Spud on 16th I believe.

    JM confident of success. Solid handshake is enough for me.

    Food/drinks etc all very good.. anyone try those mini burgers or those mini fish&chips.. just hit the spot for me.."


    "most large instituitions have bought in , and most smaller PIs have done so as well.. given the exchange of several business cards last night, I'd expect a few smaller boutique investment funds to buy into Caza over the next few weeks.. The size of the Arran drill is massive and could see this SP double or triple from here quite easily.. It's a great time to get in..."

    ZaZo73 wrote [quoting a poster from another forum]:

    " ...another interesting summary of Proactive presentation from ADVFN's bb courtesy of geoffmanana

    'OK I would just like to add my comments re last night's presentation.
    I was one of those who was listening to John McGoldrick after the presentation with a nice glass of wine in my hand.
    He was very bullish on Arran & Tiree,but said not to ignore the Las Animas Prospect.
    John said that in all his time in this business (Enterprise USA) he had never seen such positive seismic data as there is in Arran.
    He was pushed to explain why,as it could be fizzy water etc and not oil.
    He simply smiled and said"This is Louisiana,its full of oil'.
    The Low Estimates for Arran are oil 0.6 MMbbl gas 56.0 Bcf.
    The Best Estimates for Arran are oil 3.0 MMbbl gas 176.8 Bcf.
    The High Estimates for Arran are oil 9.5 MMbbl gas 460.4 Bcf.
    John implied that the high estimates are the only figures he is looking at.
    When somebody mentioned the Arran spudding due mid January and it's that now,John again smiled and said the 16th is mid January......so like previous posts I would expect a RNS on Monday.
    He also emphasised the low cost involved in getting the oil out of the ground,and how quickly they could get it to market.
    I'm not sure if this was posted earlier,but he said the oil he expected from Arran would not have to be fraced (is that the correct spelling?).
    I would have posted earlier but I live in Norfolk and spent a very enjoyable night at my son and his wife,travelling home today and then rushing to a bowls match this afternoon.
    I did manage to add 50k to my holding this morning prior to my journey home at around 50.2p.
    I must say that I'm even more bullish about CAZA after last night's very impressive performance by our Chairman.....CAZA are far and away my largest holding and I am looking for at least �1 a share and possibly double that if Arran and Tiree both come off.
    Geoff' "

    **** END ****

    Well, as you can see, clearly a lot of excited investors over there sharing their interesting opinions and knowledge gained from that evening's presentation. Would have loved to have been there myself too. Anyway, we are fortunate to have a JV partner such as Caza O&G who are keen to disseminate and promote these exciting prospects, namely Arran (Amazon) and Tiree (Thames). And of course, investors across the way who are keen to openly share their views.

    For the record, I should note the above posts are all publicly available for anyone who cares to dig through all the interactive investor discussion archives.


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