CCC 0.00% 0.1¢ continental coal limited

ccc or ccco, page-69

  1. 13,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    really great post thanks.

    I hold a small bundle of CCC at the moment.

    Given the differential in the price of CCC and CCCO and the ability to turn these options into heads later, can this existing differential widen significantly or will it somehow stay pegged to each other until expiry?

    I am very early in my trading history and it seems this option caper sounds to good to be true... apart from the expiry (what happens if one forgets?) can there be any catch when the time comes to convert the option?

    Lots of people are buying CCC atm why would they be given all of the thread above, thinking they might be just like me and have no good knowledge of options?
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Currently unlisted public company.

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