XJO 0.42% 8,294.1 s&p/asx 200

cebenomic's open, shake out up n over thursday, page-97

  1. 8,687 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 446
    Thanks dockal.....I hear what u are saying.....but is that such a bad thing as the US,China,Japan and Germany are the big drivers of world growth and hence us in Australia....

    With China growing strongly,and I suppose you could include India as they are about the same GDP as Italy,Japan and the US looking as though they are 'muddling' through and Germany performing strong as well as many,many smaller economies eg Turkey,Sth Korea,Mexico,Canada,Australia and from all reports looks as though Ireland is returning to the fold (leaving the PIGS).....would you not think the world,on balance,is reasonable........

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