Centrelink ‘legalises’ multiple Muslim wives

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    Centrelink ‘legalises’ multiple Muslim wives

    CENTRELINK is ignoring Islamic polygamy, paying spousal benefits to Muslim families with multiple wives in an effort to save taxpayers’ money.
    The welfare agency has revealed it refuses to collect data on polygamous marriages under Islamic law, despite the fact some families are claiming to be living in a domestic relationship with more than one woman when claiming welfare.
    Describing the decision as “political correctness” gone mad, MPs last night called for a full investigation and demanded the welfare agency start collecting the data.

    One reason offered by officials, confirmed by Tony Abbott’s former chief of staff Peta Credlin, is that the women might otherwise be able to claim the sole parent pension, which would cost taxpayers more than the benefits available to individuals in a marriage or de facto relationship.
    She confirmed the former prime minister had demanded action in the last days of his leadership after Centrelink officials confirmed the practice was the talk of Centrelink offices in western Sydney.
    “The answer I got back was to fix it could cost more. To be honest there was frustration about how difficult overall rorting in this area was to remedy,” she said.
    “It’s not the role of government to police people’s bedrooms unless they are breaking the law but nor can it, through policy or indifference, sanction polygamous marriages.”
    However, the current rules do allow for second wives to claim multiple family tax benefit payments for children living under the same roof, a Centrelink spokeswoman said.
    OPINION: Polygamists married to a love of multiple welfare cheques
    “Customers with multiple partners are assessed exactly the same as any other person, under Australian law,” a spokeswoman said.
    “The department does not hold data based on polygamous relationships or religion.”
    The Islamic marriages do not break the Marriage Act because they are religious unions that are not registered.
    One Muslim leader, who asked not to be named because he feared a backlash, said he knew of multiple Islamic sheiks and leaders who had second wives.
    “People are afraid to talk about it. But where in the crimes law does it criminalise having multiple girlfriends or multiple de facto relationships?” he said.
    Liberal senator Cory Bernardi said it was “political correctness” gone mad. “We are always told the data is not kept. I think that is a convenient excuse,’’ he said.
    “You have people like Keyser Trad who in the past has boasted of wanting multiple wives. He’s apparently the great moderate Muslim.
    “(T) he lack of will to confront some individuals who seek to apply a different law to themselves means politicians are afraid to speak out.’’

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