Centrelink ‘legalises’ multiple Muslim wives, page-3

  1. 14,681 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60
    The she be right attitude must stop--as other races apply pressure to acquired right no-one else has using Racism as their tool!!
    Now the Libs thought it cheaper to pay the welfare in a marriage form compared top single mother which would cost more!!
    The ALP,Greens would give them everything with out question--as not to OFFEND!!
    The real question must be why pay it in the first place??????????????
    They comes here as guest and are provided,housing,money,medical,and everything else under the sun--without-SCRUTINY?
    Why no scrutiny--well P/C--RACISM!! Then HUGE FRAUD occurs--with taxpayers money??
    This is why Govts should be run by business people of 10 yrs or more experience??
    Would anyone go to a financial adviser who has never made any money or invested any himself???
    I think the the majority would say NO!!
    So why as PLEBS do we allow our taxes to be used by Govt who many have never had experience in earning real money in private enterprise??
    Most of our politicians have life in a PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT OR UNIONIZED workplace where there is a monopoly involved!! Many times other forking the bill at a HUGE EXCESSIVES PRICES--WITH NO RECOURSE OF ANY ACTIONS.

    Peers--looking into PEERS!!!!
    I lay the blame completely at the feet ofthe weak knee`d politicians--who will cut everyone else`s BENEFITS-
    It`s is no surprise to anyone who funds all these policies--that the rise & rise of One Nation will continue!!
    I just love it when P Hansen tell the truth and the only way the Left can combat the argument
    is calling her a Racist?? Never mind what she may say to be a 100% correct in the real world,
    the world where taxpayers fund everything--not the one where those who live of the taxes
    make the decisions! Long live the Trump and may P Hansen be PM IN AUSTRALIA BEFORE IT`S TO LATE!!
    Imagine that an ordinary worker prepared to get their hands dirty running the country like a business,
    that funds all Govt--unheard of --except in a country u near you coming soon--the USA,
    one of the biggest economies in the world--the LEFT & the FREE-LOADERS MUST BE TERRIFIED,
    their CROCODILE OUTRAGE says it all--their living of others that must work longer to pay for them will be coming to an end--
    hopefully with-in 20 yrs as we all know Govts work 10- yrs behind reality!!
    Like the police-if your waiting for Govt to help--you could be DEAD OR BROKE!!!
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