CER centro retail group

cer vs vpg at current prices of 0.083 vs 0.061, page-23

  1. 4,481 Posts.
    I am holding both cer and vpg but 20% more cer hopefully one should come back in favor (I would love both to but).

    IMO cer shareprice should rise above cnp as cer COULD POSSIBLY reinstate divis mid year, however the way I read the refinancing announcement is that CER is not precluded from giving out divis but CNP is precluded from giving divis till the new loan agreement is paid out (3 years I believe).

    I hope I am reading this right, perhaps someone else reads it differently. As I take it this way, I would believe that CER should be the better investment in the short term anyway.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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