cereal prices continue tanking, page-3

  1. 13,176 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    John I know the angle you are coming from but I think the free marketers always maintain that it is not the weakest hand in Australia that sets the benchmark. Its an international market and unfortunately there are plenty of weak hands in every corner of the wheat production world.

    Given the new credit constraints likely to dominate the world for many, many years to come - tight lending standards, high rates - I don't think I'd want to be marketing my grain through anyone but a multinational monster ... but each unto their own. Sitting on grain (pools) hoping for prices to rise is risky business. Forward selling when they are good makes more sense?

    Hope the season is unfolding favourably down in Vicco ... a lot of potential over here in the West. It is going to strain the storage and handling system as well as the transportation network if the potential that is there is realised ...

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