Personally I would steer away from Market Makers as the extra...

  1. 2,450 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 129
    Personally I would steer away from Market Makers as the extra spread can be equivalent to three times the broker fees, based on a few isolated case examples that I looked at. The advantage of some Market Maker CFD providers is that they offer guaranteed stop limits, but usually for a higher fee again.

    Direct Market Access CFD providers are straight forward, and simply charge a flat rate fee. First Prudential, for example, is a DMA CFD provider that charges 0.1 %. FP uses the Iress broker platform, which is somewhat antiquated, but very reliable and fast compared to Etrade for example. I was told that a new version of the Iress platform will be released soon, it may be a bit more modern. I use Bullcharts for my charting. Hence, althoug Iress has only very basic charts, the speed and reliability of the Iress platform is good for me.

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