Change is inevitable. If we embrace it we win; resist it, we lose, page-5

  1. 3,183 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 94
    Well that is not true Acorn.

    Australians embrace change. I like Chinese and Italian food. I don't mind watching soccer - even though it is the most boring game under the sun.

    What I do mind is a small minority coming into this country and demanding we change our culture to be their culture. Separate schools for their children. Private beaches, closed off swimming pools. Everybody eating halal. And Sharia law - since when are multiple wives allowed and tolerated in our society. And genital mutilations. And if Morrison has his way we won't be able to speak out about this barbarism.
    I don't mind Europeans or Asians - but Muslims can look elsewhere to settle rather than in Australia.

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