"Hardly a snob as has been suggested,more an inquisitive...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "Hardly a snob as has been suggested,more an inquisitive soul
    looking for kindred spirits."

    Was that meant or the humour forum?

    I rarely agree with Disco but i enjoy battling with him. Without letting down my guard, I will say he is generally well meaning, comes across as thoughtful, but annoying in that any opinion that differs with his own is basically labelled as "ignorant" or is quick to label someone a "racist" if he disagrees with their argument about a different race. And as much as he denies he is PC, he is pretty much the most PC person on HC.

    Anyway, we annoy each other and as much as he annoys me, i can often see he means well in what he says. He just needs to understand, people are entitled to have opposing views.

    Didn't mean to let me guard down. Back to the battle!!!
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