channel 9 poll, page-2

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    it's a wonder Channel 9 didn't fiddle that one -
    they pulled an appalling and despicable stunt with the worm - and the so-called swinging voter audience.

    And the worm was "On" the whole time we watched - we missed the last half hour. Don't know why all the kerfuffle about it being "off." And yes - it was stacked. Rudd breathed - it shot up. Howard had hardly got his mouth open or said a word - the worm plunged.

    And the moderator always told Howard to finish nearly every time he spoke. But not once did we hear the same with him telling Rudd to hurry up or stop - not once!!

    Ray Martin really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this. He "did" an ALP fundraiser for them recently - and he tries to pretend he's not biased!

    DO these people think we're stupid? Seems like it.l

    He was in charge of the worm, I believe. So - 2 and 2 make 4!

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