chapel being desecrated, page-2

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I agree with you Starburst, this is madness. The ostensible reason(not the real reason) is too avoid giving "offence" to non-Christians. So what that means is that Christians are second class citizens in their own country as "offending "them is less important than "offending" other groups. Unfortunately this will be forgotten in a few weeks as we seem to have become "testicularly challenged" AKA pussified.
    The French wouldn't tolerate this, there would be demos at least, riots at best.
    The South Americans are pretty good too, they had a water privitization contract with Bechtel cancelled a few years back in Bolivia when the people realised(in about 3 milliseconds) that their pollies had sold them out.Demos with 100000 people did the job.
    We, on the other hand will let these little dictators take the next step, and another and another till we are completely subdued.
    It has come about possibly because we are so Americanised that people seem to think that american precedents apply here ie their idea of separation of church and state(pushed mainly by the ACLU thereby banning any religious
    content on any government property)
    S116 of our constitution merely says "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test
    shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust
    under the Commonwealth. "
    I hope that this decision is reversed and the bureaucrat is given a good smacking to discourage further mischief. If it isn't reversed then perhaps a more concerted campaign is needed. Identification of the culprit, photos, address, etc on website would be a start then more imaginative minds can take it from there. Teach them to behave.
    BTW I am not religious(at least not in the normal sense) but I do resent attacks on our culture like this.If this one gets through there will be more. What is the agenda is a question I would like answered.

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