Charlie is spot on once again. Labor is ruining our sharemarket...

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    Charlie is spot on once again. Labor is ruining our sharemarket and destroying foreign investment here in Australia.

    The sharemarket will rally with the great man Tony as PM.

    Bell Financial Group's newly acquired oracle, Charlie Aitken, appears to have found a kindred spirit in the Labor government-bashing talkback radio host Alan Jones.

    Aitken in his daily newsletter has long warned of the dire consequences of having a socialist Labor government in power. And he now really seems to have struck a chord with Jones.

    ''After 18 years of promoting investment in Australia I've never come across a more cynical and negative attitude towards Australian equities,'' said Aitken to the clear delight of Jones on his breakfast program yesterday morning.

    Aitken, who last year made passionate pleas against the mining super profits tax, told Jones and his listeners how foreign investors just could not understand why Australia needed a carbon tax.

    Aitken highlighted the madness of the proposed carbon tax, given Australia was, according to his analysis, one of the lowest emitters of carbon in the world.

    Reading some select passages of Aitken's Ringing the Bell daily newsletter, Jones took a particular fancy to the passage which compared the Labor-Independent government to a listed company.

    The 'Parrot' relished the part where Aitken questioned whether anybody would buy a stock if the chief executive was Julia Gillard, chief financial officer Wayne Swan, chairman the Greens leader Bob Brown and the independent directors Andrew Wilkie, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor.

    Jones also liked the bit in Aitken's note which said the best thing would be for the removal of the ''incompetent, anti-business, income redistributing Gillard-independents government''.

    ''If there was a change of government I think the sharemarket would rally 10 per cent,'' explained Aitken to the radio program.

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