Charlie Hebdo, Climate Scepticism & Free Speech, page-5

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    I dont know what they teach you kids these days...

    Actually fascism can be left wing of right wing...

    Hitler's national socialists (nazis) were run of the mill socialists of that time with normal socialist policies of big government control of the people and industry, big government mega projects, genocidal eugenics, anti-semitism, takeover and brainwashing of the children, enthrallment with pagan greenie ideologies, etc., etc...

    Hitler was somewhat ahead of the socialist game in realizing relatively quickly that as Margret Thatcher somewhat famously stated some years later, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend, or words to that effect.

    Hitler's innovative solution to that essential conundrum of the unworkability of his national socialism and all socialism was to steal all the money from the jews and then enslave as slave labor the jews of first Germany and later much of Europe and eventually launch wars of invasion on their neighbors to extend the looting and enslavement seize rather than bother to pay for resources and labor...
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