charlotsville and barcelona

  1. 523 Posts.
    in barcelona police act quickly and shoot perpetrater,whilst tourists and public flee in panic
    media reports this as terrorist attack.
    in virginia,the cowardlty neo nazi,waits at top of hill,viewing the anti fascist demonstraters from behind,
    then accelerates and smashes into the crowd,
    who unlike the barcelona public,immediately heroically charge in with sticks and fists to surround the car
    which reverses at speed to get away.
    the media announce culprit caught and identified as a white nationalist,police charge him with manslaughter
    what a pathetic joke
    he,s a white SUPREMICIST,and its a terrorist attack...committing MURDER
    the australian media also call him a white nationalist and that hes charged with manslaughter.
    outrageous,absurd,whats wrong with america!!
    then trump comes out with utter bullsxxxt statements that both were culpable!!
    everyone knows the nazi,s and brothers carried automatic high power weapons on the street
    at the demo,s...image if someone had rammed them in a high power car
    these terorists should be arrested for having nazi emblems for carrying arms to demo,s for common assault etc etc
    when they made nazi salutes en masse and chanted heil trump, or their antisemitic chants in nazi like processions
    you see why trump strikes his arrogant mussolini like pose,
    exact same idiot expression with his jaw thrust out,
    the kkk ,neo nazi,s and gun toting confederate white supremicsts
    are trumps bully boys he keeps threatening america with...
    now everyone knows,europe certainly knows,what trump stands for.
    theyve seen it before
    i doubt trumps son wont understand when somebody put a bullet into him in order to
    allow a transfer of power to someone not so dangerous,divisive,megalomaniac,
    or so bereft of moral fibre.
    america must feel so ashamed of this creep,in the whole worlds eyes,
    america will never be great again ever
    trump has destroyed this single handedly
    he is the swamp,everything he says is THE REAL FAKE NEWS
    he projects his poison onto anyone who opposes him...
    disloyal,arrogant,cant be told,treasonous,
    trump is the criminal and thug
    and we all know it.
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