MOL 0.00% 6.9¢ moly mines limited

Sorry this a bit long winded but might be worth consideringwhat...

  1. 54 Posts.
    Sorry this a bit long winded but might be worth considering
    what is being said.
    I don't have any holding in MOL but I am tempted.
    What do you all think about this article ?

    Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 11:08 PM

    You are receiving this as part of your free subscription to
    Wealth Daily

    Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

    Dear Wealth Daily Reader,

    Chances are, you haven't heard of this metal.

    And if you have, it's a good bet you can't pronounce it.

    Still, it's about to make some investors very rich.

    That's because a small North American mining company happens to
    be the sole owner of the world's biggest unmined deposit of this
    crucial industrial metal. So big, in fact, that its value goes up
    $200 million for every 5 cents that the metal appreciates.

    And our in-house metals expert, Luke Burgess, wants you to
    profit handsomely from it. In his newest research report, you'll

    * How everything from the cars and planes that transport
    you... to the energy you get from oil, gas or nuclear... relies
    on this very metal to function properly...
    * Why China's already started hording this vital metal...
    * How this virtually unknown company can hand you 2,682%

    Read on for Luke's full findings...

    To your wealth,

    Brian Hicks
    Publisher, Wealth Daily

    Make 2682% on the Metal thats Building China

    Most people can barely pronounce its name... let alone have
    heard of this industrial metal... but China is quietly cornering
    the market for it.

    * One trader told American Metal Market magazine, "We
    just don't have any supply available."
    * At an industry conference, Terry Adams of Adams Metals
    and Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB) shocked his audience by
    warning of potential supply/demand imbalances commencing as early
    as 2011. He believes by 2015, the price of this metal could get

    But a massive $60 billion deposit has been discovered in a
    region in Idaho... and a tiny $1.10 junior mining company is
    about to supply North America with all of it.

    Dear Reader,

    The Chinese industrial empire is well on its way to cornering
    the market on a metal most people can't even pronounce.

    It's called Molybdenum, and if you've never heard of it, trust
    me, you will...

    Because your life - and the lives of everyone you know - depends
    on it every single day.

    Molybdenum (muh-lib-duh-num), or moly for short, is a key
    ingredient in the high-strength alloys that allow our energy,
    manufacturing, and transportation industries, (just to name a
    few), to function.

    In fact any metal designed to resist heat, contain extreme
    pressure, hold up under tension, or maintain electromagnetism,
    most likely contains this element.

    Without it, you'd never be able to:

    * Drive a car - Because without moly, your engine block
    would seize and crumble from the heat
    * Fly in a plane - If you removed moly from jet engine fan
    blades, they would shatter under the strain
    * Pump oil - High-pressure pipelines require alloys
    containing up to 30% molybdenum
    * Run a Nuclear Power Plant - Because moly-lined tubing is
    crucial to reactor cooling
    * Fire a gun - High-strength alloys that go into gun-barrels
    rely on high concentrations of moly

    Put simply, molybdenum is the alloy additive that has made our
    technology-dependant world what it is over the last century.

    Everything that turns, burns, flies, or drives - you can safely
    bet it needs moly to function.

    And today it's running out.

    Thanks, in large part, to a recent Chinese campaign to hoard
    every ounce of moly they can get their hands on, for the first
    time ever, global supply is lagging far behind demand...

    About 31% annually at last count.

    And the gap is widening more and more every month.

    With China suddenly a net importer of this once plentiful
    element, other major consumers - namely the United States,
    European Union, and India - are scrambling for new sources.

    The result: We're now in a perfect storm scenario for a
    commodities rush unseen since the 1970s Hunt Brothers' campaign
    to monopolize silver.

    However, a solution has surfaced at precisely the right moment
    in time.

    A tiny mining exploration company, operating out of British
    Columbia and worth just $70 million dollars...

    Is now in sole possession of a molybdenum reserve worth a
    staggering $60 billion!

    ... Making it the biggest untapped moly deposit in the world.

    ... Big enough to supply global demand, at its current rate, for
    the next decade.

    The reserve is so huge, actually, that every time this metal's
    price goes up 5 cents... the value of the property jumps by $200

    And it couldn't have come around at a better time.

    In the next few minutes, I'm going to tell you about the company
    which can single-handedly stop this global shortage in its

    And in the process, make you as much as 2682% in the near term.

    Up until a few months ago, established molybdenum mining
    companies have been raking in 200%, 400%, even 664% gains...

    But based on the recent performance of similar sized companies,
    coupled with the skyrocketing price of this unique metal...

    This newcomer could well be the biggest single metals play we've
    seen since the turn of the 21st century - and the biggest that we
    will see for decades to come.

    But know this: We have very good, pattern-proven reason to
    believe that this is a company which is on the very brink of
    discovery by the mainstream investment community.

    Put plainly, it's a secret right now, but it won't stay that way
    for long.

    Just a week or two, but maybe as soon as only a few days.

    Fortunately, I have everything you need to know about this
    mining outfit detailed for you...

    All the information you need to turn a small investment into
    true financial security.

    But before I give you the ticker symbol, let me tell you a
    little more about the metal without which modern industry would
    grind to a halt.

    Super Alloy's Secret Ingrediant

    "The versatility of molybdenum in enhancing a variety of alloy
    properties has ensured it a significant role in contemporary
    industrial technology, which increasingly requires materials that
    are serviceable under high stress, expanded temperature ranges,
    and highly corrosive environments. Moreover, molybdenum finds
    significant usage as a refractory metal in numerous chemical
    applications, including catalysts, lubricants, and pigments." -

    This grayish powder had actually been in use for centuries
    before being officially identified by science in 1754.

    Master Japanese sword smiths had been relying on it since the
    14th century to give Samurai blades their legendary strength and

    Today it's a key ingredient in almost all of our contemporary

    In fact, without it, we'd be deprived of most of our modern
    industrial infrastructure.

    In terms of market shares, this is how moly is allocated across
    the various sectors of the $967 billion global steel industry.

    And since the products that require moly are being produced
    today faster than they've ever been, the demand has more than
    quintupled in the last 50 years...

    It stands to double again in the next ten.

    But over the last several years, a trend has emerged that could
    throw this delicate balance of supply and demand into complete

    The increase in molybdenum demand has not been matched by

    Not even close!

    And today, we are operating at an annual net loss... with
    reserves of this crucial material plummeting.

    Right now, with global demand at around 500 million pounds
    annually, we are only replenishing reserves at a rate of about

    Moly and Aerospace

    "Today, super alloys comprise over a third of a jet engine's
    weight. Commercial aviation and aerospace consume almost 60% of
    these metals • and that high-flying manufacturing sector has
    begun a cyclical upswing... Suppliers have become busier and the
    availability of specialty alloys material has become an issue,"
    says the supply chain management director for a jet engine
    components maker. "Super alloy supply is tight - with deliveries
    out 18 months or more because of limited global supply." - Lloyd
    Singleton, Golden Phoenix Minerals

    In five years, if we maintain our current production/consumption
    rates, that number will drop to 62%.

    Which means that if nothing else happens, based on demand alone,
    moly prices will nearly double by 2015.

    That doesn't even take into account what's going to happen as
    manufacturing giants in the States, the EU, and India scramble to
    claim what little there is left.

    And it's this last part that's perhaps most worrisome.

    Let me explain...

    China is the world's biggest producer of steel. Twice as big, in
    fact, as the next biggest: the EU.

    And almost every ounce of that steel needs moly to be suitable
    for industrial/technological use.

    But now this one-time major exporter has a net importer, barely
    able to keep up with its own burgeoning construction and
    industrial needs...

    This virtually guarantees a spike in moly prices as the world
    supply takes another major hit.

    This unprecedented decrease in available moly worldwide has set
    the stage for one of the biggest booms the metals market has seen
    since the silver rush of the late 70s.

    No Moly, No Nukes...

    Molybdenum is indispensable to the construction of nuclear power
    plants. According to the International Molybdenum Association
    (IMOA), modern reactors require between 520 thousand and 1
    Million feet of specialized stainless steel condenser tubing.
    With President Obama's recent commitment of $54 billion to new
    reactor construction, and an estimated 100 new reactors planned
    for construction globally, Russia, India, South Korea and Japan,
    as well as China and the US, are expected to redouble their
    efforts to hoard Molybdenum for their expanding power-generation
    needs between now and the year 2020.

    And the first to rake in the triple-digit gains that follow will
    be companies directly involved in mining molybdenum.

    I'm not talking about the sort of gradual double-digit growth
    that solid companies can boast in the right conditions these

    I'm talking about a small group of specialized companies
    multiplying in size as demand shoots through the roof.

    Here are just a few moly producers that, in just the last 12
    months, have already funneled growing moly demand into dramatic
    stock gains:

    * General Moly - up 281%
    * Moly Mines - up 270%
    * Mercator Mines - up 664%
    * Thompson Creek - up 404%

    Now, with demand sharply increasing and supply only decreasing,
    these established moly-producing companies will continue to

    But they do not represent the best gains that can be made today
    - not by a long shot.

    Within this group of rising superstar firms, you see, there is a

    And the real profits are still on the table.

    The Moly Play that Stands Far above the Rest - Literally

    In the world of moly, there isn't anything like this, anywhere.

    Like I said before, this micro-miner recently cornered a
    molybdenum reserve that's three times bigger than the next
    biggest known moly resource...

    And right now, they're sitting on the edge of a truly historic
    development program.

    Just a few weeks ago, the results of a massive on-site test
    drilling were released.

    With 801.4 meters (2632 feet) of test holes drilled and
    analyzed, not only was the deposit's size confirmed, but the
    specific positioning of the moly mineral itself was determined.

    This is a late-stage step before development of the site can
    begin in earnest.

    And once that happens, Katie bar the door • investors who
    get in now could conceivably be in position for one of the
    biggest score in metals investing history...

    Remember, these guys just landed the world's "mother lode"
    untapped molybdenum reserve • a resource worth 857 times
    more than their market cap at moly's current market price...

    If you want an idea of the sort of returns that you can expect
    from this play, look no further than a company that just a few
    short years ago, was in a similar place to where my mining
    recommendation is today...

    Only in a far less dire supply/demand scenario.

    It's the story of Northern Dynasty minerals (NAK).

    They were a company with a $200 million market cap (or roughly
    three times the size of my new recommendation), when they
    developed their monstrous 5.6 billion lb moly.

    And within 24 months, Northern Dynasty ballooned by a factor
    460% in 24 months.

    However, with a starting market cap about 2.8 times smaller than
    Northern Dynasty • and an untapped moly reserve a full 75%
    the size of Northern Dynasty's in-ground resources...

    A straight linear comparison would put growth projections for
    the company I'm talking about far higher than Northern Dynasty's
    460% run.

    In fact, more like 966% over the same two-year term.

    That's a 241% gain in just the next six months alone!

    Without recent Chinese slashing of moly exports to become a net

    And without global moly deficits yet taking their full toll on

    When we factor in these alarming statistics, and make the very
    conservative assumption that moly prices will rise by 25% in the
    next 2 years...

    My recommendation stands to gain 1,207% in that 24-month time

    For the sake of comparison, here's that chart of Northern
    Dynasty's dramatic expansion juxtaposed with what I fully expect
    my new Moly play to do in the same time frame.

    That translates into more than 50% growth... each and every
    month for the next two years.

    But like I said, this is an EXTREMELY conservative estimate...

    In reality, the global shortage is expected to explode Moly
    prices by the end of the year.

    Considering JPMorgan's projections of a 120% jump in moly prices
    this year, that 1207% gain could easily inflate to... 2682%

    That's enough to turn a modest $4000 investment into $107,280
    over the next 24 months.

    With numbers like that, this is the rarest sort of opportunity
    there is in the metals business.

    It's one of the rare perks of living in a time when production
    can't keep up with consumption.

    The problem is, as hot as this opportunity may sound right now,
    I can't guarantee how long it will last...

    You see, with these drill results now focused on pinpointing
    exact locations... And with the impending arrival of spring about
    to soften the ground and optimize conditions for mining...

    The commencement of operations is not far off.

    In fact, recent moves by management indicate that interest in
    this stock is expected to jump dramatically in the very near

    Just recently, they retained a major North American investor
    relations firm in anticipation of an unmanageable influx of new
    stockholders... A firm that specializes in servicing the
    investor-management needs of medium and large cap companies.

    Think of it as a PR firm.

    For a microcap company like this one, such an investment of time
    and money is not made on a whim.

    In fact, historically, such a move usually precedes a
    significant leap in stock value.

    Here are a couple recent examples:

    * On February 4, 2010, Ucore Uranium Inc (UCU.V) announced
    its engagement of Renmark Financial to handle their investment
    relations. Within a week, their stock was up 21%.

    * On February 16, 2010, Nevada Sunrise Gold (NEV.V) retained
    Agoracom for their IR needs. The stock jumped 15% within a single

    * On February 26, 2010, Cantronic Systems, Inc. (CTS.V)
    retained the Equicom Group. Their stock price was up 23% within
    10 days.

    So it cannot be denied that management knows something big is
    about to happen, and they're getting ready for it.

    Unfortunately for me, this last piece of information came just
    as I was getting ready to go to bed.

    And once I read it, I knew there'd be no sleeping that night.

    So instead, I sat down and wrote the report that I knew my
    readers would want in front of their eyes as soon as humanly

    I called this special report: Moly 2010.

    And within it, I detailed what could become the one of the
    fastest-moving metals investments of our lifetimes.

    It's the sort of quick-hitting, quick-returning plays my readers
    have gotten used to seeing from me.

    If you're one of them, read on and find out why these claims
    aren't just claims - but rather proven through trade after
    successful trade, even during one of the hardest periods in stock
    market history.

    Make My 95% Success Rate Work for You

    I'm Luke Burgess, editor of the Hard Money Millionaire financial

    When it comes to investment portfolios, very few can claim the
    results that I can.

    In 2009, on the tail of the worst financial downturn since the
    1930s, 18 of my 19 recommendations saw growth.

    That's a 94.7% success rate, with an average return of over 77%
    across the board.

    And of those 18 winners, 11 posted double-digit gains, while 7
    closed with incredible triple-digit growth - with average hold
    times of around just five months!

    Not only that, but as you can see from the recommendations I've
    blotted out, many of these stocks are STILL bringing in the gains
    for my readers.

    To put it in different terms, 2009 saw Hard Money Millionaire

    * Twice as well as the NASDAQ...
    * Almost 4 times better than the S&P 500...
    * Average 28% better than the DOW!

    In addition:

    * We took gains on all 7 of our precious metals plays,
    including three with earnings of greater than 100%
    * 5 out of 6 energy investments each returned an average
    gain of almost 70%
    * Our portfolio has returned gains on 5 out of 6 positions
    that hedge against the devaluation of the U.S. Treasuries and the

    Now, many would think that results like these are typical of
    your high-end Manhattan hedge funds. But the fact is that's just
    not the case.

    And those are just the best-performing hedge funds out there.

    According to the Barclay Hedge Fund Index - which compiles data
    from 1,658 hedge funds around the world - the average return
    among these management institutions was just 24.1%

    Less than 1/3 of what my portfolio did in that same timeframe.

    And just to get into the door with many of these hedge funds,
    the minimum investment threshold is often as high as $1,000,000!

    If that's not enough, when you do make gains with one of these
    big names, the management fees suck up between 20% and 50% of
    your profits.

    That's how hedge fund managers end up becoming billionaires at a
    rate faster than any other single segment of the population.

    This is not how I do business.

    In fact, if you want to get on board with Hard Money Millionaire
    and see for yourself what my readers have known for years, I'll
    let you do it today with no risk to you whatsoever.

    Here's how it works:

    An annual subscription to my service usually runs $995.

    But right now, I'm cutting that subscription fee by 50% for all
    new subscribers.

    That's $495 for unlimited access to all of the benefits of my
    industry-beating portfolio - including updates and immediate
    notification of new recommendations as they come down the pike.

    But to sweeten the deal even more, I'm making you the following

    If you agree to sign up for a trial subscription to Hard Money
    Millionaire right now, and in the next 30 days you're unhappy
    with the service for any reason...

    I'll give you a 100% refund immediately.

    All you need to do is call, and it's yours - no questions asked,
    no restocking fees, no penalties, no hidden costs...

    And no fine print.

    That's zero risk to you - for 30 days of no-strings-attached
    access to my new special report, Moly 2010, as well as the
    portfolio that beat Wall Street's top management firms by at
    least 50% last year - a portfolio whose worst gainer of the year
    still made double-digit returns for my readers.

    But that's not all you'll get.

    In addition to my continued portfolio coverage, you'll also get
    the following bonus reports, covering 2010's most exciting, most
    time-sensitive stock plays in the current commodities market:

    1. Research Report #1: My Top Buyout Gold Stock for 2010 - This
    could be one of the easiest gains you'll make in 2010. It's a
    small ($75 million) gold company focused on the rapid development
    of two gold projects with almost 3 million ounces of gold. The
    company has just begun to cross some major milestones. And I
    expect this stock will be bought out by a larger company in the
    near future... which would mean near-guaranteed gains for today's

    2. Special Report #2: Wall Street's Favorite Silver Stock - It's
    the Investment Dream Team's next slam dunk. I've been talking
    about it since last year... but now, with the triple-digit gains
    I predicted already starting to materialize... this might be your
    last chance at them. I'll show you how to get in on this
    remarkable silver mining stock before the rest of Wall Street
    jumps on the bandwagon.

    That's in addition to...

    My brand new report: Moly 2010 - It's the one metal without
    which our modern world would grind to a halt, and thanks to
    spiking global demand and a recent cut in Chinese exports, we are
    well on the way to a full-blown shortage. Get the name of the
    mining stock that could take you from zero to triple-digits gains
    in just a few short weeks, and as high as 1207% in the next 24

    You're just not going to see this kind of offer from too many
    analysts like me, with a track record of this caliber.

    And if you don't believe me, just read the words of my readers.

    In my line of work, there are few things more satisfying than
    receiving these letters of praise in my e-mail inbox.

    And in the next few days, when this moly play starts to move,
    I'm preparing a flood of such letters as my readers take home
    double- and triple-digit profits.

    Don't miss your shot.

    The Final Tally:

    When you accept my offer for a 30-day, risk free, all-access
    trial of my Hard Money Millionaire financial advisory, here's
    what you'll be getting:

    * Full member-only access to the Hard Money Millionaire
    website and archives with 24-hour portfolio availability.
    * My brand-new molybdenum report, Moly 2010, with all the
    details of the global moly story • plus a profit-play of up
    to 1207% all but certain for early investors.
    * Two additional reports, covering the newest and hottest
    from the gold and silver mining sectors.
    * Updates covering market analysis, portfolio developments,
    and new recommendations.
    * E-mail alerts on all active trades - I'll tell you exactly
    when to buy and when to sell.

    And if you choose to keep it, this record-setting portfolio -
    along with everything else I just mentioned - will cost you a
    grand total of just $1.37 per day.

    That's less than the cost of your morning cup of coffee for
    information that, in the coming weeks, you'll come to know by a
    single word:


    But remember this... Stories this big don't stay secrets for

    Molybdenum is one of the most essential elements used by man

    Changes in supply and demand can drastically alter the price of
    everything from oil... to consumer goods... to real estate -

    Read Moly 2010 today, and ride the wave to fortune.

    Copy and paste the link below...

    Good investing,

    Luke Burgess
    Investment Director, The Hard Money Millionaire

    P.S. If recent history is any indicator, the move to retain an
    investor relations firm may be the last thing we hear from this
    company before their stock goes into orbit. With the drill test
    results analyzed, and the extraction strategy determined, I'm
    looking at one week - two on the outside - before this
    opportunity dissolves into a landslide of gains for stockholders.
    Be ready before it happens.

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