yep, democracy in the making

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    These animals want justice? Look how they kill each other.....No nothing......

    U.N.R.W.A. where the f u c k are you? No complaints to the UN? Hanan Ashwari's favourite animal farm? Jeez, imagine the outcry if our mob did it.

    Two Palestinians murdered in Tul Karm for aiding Israel

    By Arnon Regular, Haaretz Correspndent, Haaretz Service and Agencies

    Two Palestinians were murdered early Thursday in
    the Tul Karm refugee camp after they confessed to
    collaborating with Israel. (I wonder if pushed hard enough they would have confessed to being Martians as well.........Snooker)

    The two men, Samer Ufi and Mohammed Faraj, both in their twenties, were kidnapped a week ago and shot Thursday by masked militants from the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in front of a crowd of people.

    On Wednesday a videotape of the confessions was
    distributed to residents of the West Bank refugee camp.

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