PER 11.1% 0.8¢ percheron therapeutics limited

Chart, page-5834

  1. 14,129 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1508
    For years I’ve been telling the Board that our market is not in Australia but in the US.
    We need to employ Money Men. $ to sell Atl1102 to Hedge funds and High Nett worth investors
    Innate (Failed MS) went to $1.80 on nothing.. but because they sold their story to a US politician it sp flourished then crashed because it was all hype
    Atl1102 has been validated by PIP in Europe.. (Dmd) FDA in the US for MS and DMD
    Sadly we don’t crack a mention anywhere..

    $5 in time

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Mkt cap ! $8.699M
Open High Low Value Volume
0.8¢ 0.9¢ 0.8¢ $40.53K 4.995M

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
26 24745278 0.8¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
0.9¢ 5632785 5
View Market Depth
Last trade - 16.10pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
PER (ASX) Chart
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