And also can you elaborate how MRO is like Costa but not like...

  1. 5,064 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 189
    And also can you elaborate how MRO is like Costa but not like BAL. I value your input. Majority of us here believe MRO is bloody good for their growth expansions etc as an unlisted entity. They have diversified from being a Grape Product to other Organic Foods. They built infrastructure from Land,Planting,growing,irrigating,harvesting new machinery,new Plantstions, Brand New packaging facility,Owndustribution networks, own marketing teams etc. the whole lot is owned and controlled by them. It's unlisted when all this happened. Instos and fundees lined up like kids at a lolly offer for the 2 Raising a to date. They will take huge chunk of IPO
    Share as well. So keeping this in mind I would like to see why this is not a decent investment when China and Asia alone can swallow their whole product range in a day. Cheers
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