@duty; John Howard wasted $Countless $Billions of taxpayers'...

  1. 48,044 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @duty; John Howard wasted $Countless $Billions of taxpayers' money by delivering it to Australia's wealthiest people by providing them with access to superannuation for which they had no need. Howard's governments also imposed the two greatest tax hikes in Australian History - his 10% GST and his fuel excise [with mates' club exclusions, of course].

    Howard governments even poured $Hundreds of $Billions of taxpayers' money into funding elitist, education apartheid 'private schools'.

    After blasting the Rudd Government for spending $43 Billion to avoid the worst Global Financial Crisis in eighty years, the Coalition quadrupled Australia's $Debt - even including $42 Billion in JobKeeper rorts!

    As if that's not bad enough, Morrison cancelled Australia's submarine contract with France and provided an open cheque-book to the USA for nuclear powered ones costing at least $365 Billion ... for starters!

    To rub salt into taxpayers' wounds the Coalition even spat in China's face to bring a smile to Trump's face, provoking sanctions against Australian exports to China which instead imported product from ......... Trump's America!

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