@Sailor FNQ; roughly one third of alal Australian businesses pay...

  1. 48,158 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @Sailor FNQ; roughly one third of alal Australian businesses pay $NO $Tax on their eanrings in Australia - many wealthy people oeprate as 'a business', NOT as an income earner.

    One hundred of Australia's wealthiest people have just been exposed by the ATO as having paid $NO $Tax on incomes exceeding $1 Million each year - wealthy people do NOT need superannuation, its purpose is to enable Aussie Battlers to be less dependent on taxpayer support in their twilight years, NOT as a mechanism for Australia's wealthiest people to minimise tax.
    "... This group of non-taxpaying high-earners claimed deductions of $201,000 on average for managing their tax affairs.
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