BYE byron energy limited

Cheap,Cheap,Cheap !!!!, page-4

  1. 6,647 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 981
    Couple of questions:

    -Why are you assuming a free carry on all current and future leases? Agree that they will farm out a portion - but have they stated anything about a complete free carry? Appreciate the sentiment, but feels like you've taken it a step too far.
    -How are you ascribing a P/E of 10-20 when they have 8 years of oil? Why not a discounted value based upon 8 years of income/reserves? Feels like you are factoring in undiscovered upside for anything over a P/E of about 4-5.

    Agree that it is a fantastic stock, but I'd say the price is about right at the moment - to the point that it is already factoring in upside of farm outs on attractive terms.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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