IND 0.00% 16.0¢ industrial minerals ltd

The main players in Management have been stable that of Simpson...

  1. 1,975 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    The main players in Management have been stable that of Simpson and Milewski. Others have been brought in for their project experience and as that has changed so have they. Maybe you would prefer they stayed on and took fees to give your conspiracy theory some legs?
    Again the Top 20 has remained stable small changes have occurred but many of the originals have remained (like you)? Why is that?
    No I have never said Buy Buy Buy but I do have a personal sentiment of Buy and have done many times and therefore backing my beliefs up. A bit different to you.
    Im happy for you that a summation by you has given you some comfort. Im not sure whether I read it or not as I have you on ignore mostly however I reckon I would know it off by heart by now.
    "It all started in Nuenco rinse wash, poor me blah, blah, blah."
    I don't give a rats about Nuenco, People that bought Indus don't give a rats about Quest and people that might want to buy now don't give a rats about Oil Sands.
    Do you see a common denominator?
    The Opportunity is what is current. Your current losses are losses whether you have realised them or not. If you don't understand that, then you have your head in oil sands
    Just a tip before I put you back on ignore, popularity on Hotcopper is not where it counts. Against your constant bleating the share price has remained within a range and has not gone down the gurgler.
    Maybe this is recognition of what your despised Management has put in place.
    And now a few people have bought in, seeing something that you don't obviously see. You see entertainment they see opportunity.
    And what if Management do land themselves a project. What then? Do you think the idea of consolidation might help dry up the thin volume of sellers that we have at present?
    I have continually expressed my viewpoint but it bypasses you as many things have.
    At least you feel you are popular and there is nothing bad in that.
    All the best.
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