I think today has gone well - considering this is trading after...

  1. 11,538 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 801
    I think today has gone well - considering this is trading after news of a 15% dilution. There seems to be fairly keen buying at $1.80. There are possibly some placement recipients who already hold stock and have lightened up today to make way for the new placement stock. We'll obviously need to see what happens when the placement is issued and can be sold for short term profit. The SPP is around 3% of market cap at a $5m cap. Not really so significant in comparison to the placement which was about 12% of prior market cap. I think the cap raise will create dips that will be seen as buying opportunities by the market, unless some international event tanks the market.

    Another thing that is positive is that you can unarguably stamp fully funded on the front cover or the next announcement. So a fairly "virtuous" capital raising really IMO, with little discount offered. We might find out that the recent SP slump was partly due to the market factoring in a cap raise. If so the SP could soon move up further and resume it's oscillating 5 month uptrend since June with a higher high. Also I love these Andean Salars as investments!!!

    My opinion only - GLTA
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