re: re:**crackaton ** zmemed wake up Who said that property is...

  1. bbm
    2,264 Posts.
    re: re:**crackaton ** zmemed wake up Who said that property is not a good long term investment?

    It's all about a balance.....
    If you bought property 20 years ago, you would be well in front.
    If you bought shares 20 years ago, you would be well in front.

    Throughout the above 20 year cycle there have been up and downs but the overall long term trend has been up. A 5 year old can even pick this trend.

    The basic argument is as I mentioned, there are ups and downs and both property or shares are not excluded.

    You make it sound as if property always goes up with no hicups....this is where you are wrong. If you say that property over the long term is a sound investmment, then yes you are correct. But then again, so are shares.

    Whether you have 1 or 100 properties I couldn't care less, infact, I wish you the best of luck and hope you make a killing and set up your kids for the future. One thing is for sure and that is an increase in interest rates (at the very least) will have an impact on many out there. Deny it if you will but you will be shying away from reality if you do.
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