AVB avanco resources limited

cheapest spec with 2 majors in the plan, page-6

  1. 6,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    An air of caution still exists across the whole market, it would be folly to base ones position on the expectation of continous 50% grades, however these pockets of high grade will certainly push the jorc up. Sandfires jorc is around 5.6% so results above this should be well recieved, at least by the smart money.

    It would be far less nerve racking to move up by 1 & 2s but any stock popular with day traders will be more volitile. I'm not skilled enough to day trade, but your plan has merit, good luck with it.

    I have 4 months to go and will be eligable for the CGT discount, so thats my first milestone.


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