RES 0.00% $4.61 resource generation limited

check out gln latest announcement, page-2

  1. 27,983 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3412
    quick look at the deal,

    to aquire 70%, will cost a spend of 15mill plus issue of 230 mill shares and some options

    Prev close 6mill mc at .1 = 60 mill shares current, dillute to 290 mill shares, with spend require of 15mill

    so at 10c, diluted MC = 29 mill plus spend required of 15mill.

    equivalent to a MC of 44 mill with spend requirements in place, ie that they raise the 15 mill at current sp.

    again just a quick comparison,,,

    res mc 51 mill,

    fse mc 22 mill

    not sure what the these two need to dillute to yet to get the job done.

    but would seem a reasonable buy, just wander why the market has dragged on FSE and RES, and interesting to see if the forward dillution will be considered.

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