cheney says russian aggression unacceptable, page-16

  1. 4,293 Posts.
    I bit off subject but drawing from this situation a FICTIONAL situation to think about. ownership...sold to OS interests.
    Put NSW energy or QLD water pipelines or any other Australian strategic asset into this scenario..
    A market meltdown makes power costs so high that the country is reduced to strikes and closures..unemployment and real hardship..
    Large powers have army bases closeby and agree to support the unions and take back control of power supply...
    The federal government moves to regulate and aggrevates OS onwers who need to protect investments and therefore fight unions. Riots start..etc...
    I know this is a very amateur attempt at a rough parallel But bear with me here.

    Are our government leaders learning anything ?
    OR can they see only as far as the next rally on the stockmarket OR privatisation $ to balance budgets and to pump vote numbers.?
    Are there any 'release valves' built into our contracts when selling assets that ensure resolution or perhaps byback etc.???
    Help! I dont ever want Aust. to be in Georgia's shoes.

    Financial markets are causing grief...corporate protection
    is involved and sovereign powers try to protect their industries,economy and people.
    I know that this is far removed from Georgias complex situation BUT...

    How can we learn from this?

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