cheney says russian aggression unacceptable, page-8

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    The answer to your question could be here, Muzz:

    US-NATO and Israel Involved in the Planning of the Attacks

    In mid-July, Georgian and U.S. troops held a joint military exercise entitled "Immediate Response" involving 1,200 US and 800 Georgian troops.

    The announcement by the Georgian ministry of Defense on July 12 stated that they US and Georgian troops were to "train for three weeks at the Vaziani military base" near the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. (AP, July 15, 2008). These exercises, which were completed barely a week before the August 7 attacks, were an obvious dress rehearsal of military operation, which, in all likelihood, had been planned in close cooperation with the Pentagon.

    On July 12, coinciding with the outset of the Georgia-US war games, the Russian Defense Ministry started its own military maneuvers in the North Caucasus region. The usual disclaimer by both Tblisi and Moscow: the military exercises have “nothing to do” with the situation in South Ossetia. (Ibid)

    Let us be under no illusions. This is not a civil war. The attacks are an integral part of the broader Middle East Central Asian war, including US-NATO-Israeli war preparations in relation to Iran. "

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