Arrrr gee now that couldn't be possible surely --- that the...

  1. 1,282 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Arrrr gee now that couldn't be possible surely --- that the gawdawful hopeless ABC would be exposing this corruption - yep once again as usual.

    After all the moronic radicals from the hard right venting on this forum want the ABC abolished - the total fools.

    IMO the great investigative ability of the ABC is almost the ONLY news organisation doing any decent exposes' on anything these days. Without these excellent documentaries showing our fawning politicians who give away our country in so called free trade deals, and fill their pockets as consultants etc etc whilst selling off our vital infrastructure, the Australian public would have no idea just how pervasive corruption is in our society.

    Take special note of the slimy crawling politicians with outstretched arms crawling to these big shots offering "free money". All free of course without any strings attached!!!

    Both major parties and their hangers on make me puke. It reflects the major weakness of humans - complete and utter greed at any cost. Just look at Andrew Robb, Sam Dastyari, and even Peter Cosgrove to show just how pervasive this is in every party - appalling brown noses everywhere IMO.
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