Timeti good sentiment in your statement, but I would say that...

  1. 3,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Timeti good sentiment in your statement, but I would say that ASIO and the Australian Federal Police hand in glove with the CIA (USA) and I hope MI5 and 6 (Britain) and last but not least with an input from Mossad (Israeli intel),that royal commission is not needed.

    As I have said before, these bastards have compromised our sovereignty as a nation,they have left a stench that can't be ignored by ordinary Australian's, If we need a McCarthy witch hunt so be it,and put all the evidence to the public and then build a prison for them equel to Ryker's in the USA.
    We need to make it clear to China and their citizens that even if you have dual citizenship you will be stripped and all your assets plus a stint in a prison will be met out to you
    There was a book written a few years ago, I believe it was called Smiling Face Black Heart,
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