I think you know this but there are amazing similarities between...

  1. 58,089 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    I think you know this but there are amazing similarities between religion and climate belief.
    For some maybe.
    You guys all run through the streets protesting (like Mass)
    Not Me.
    You have Priests (like Attenborough)
    You have no proof but what the prophets say (the scientists)
    Scientists and prophets are like chalk and cheese. Unrelated.
    The scientists don't talk to the public (like God who also ignores us)
    Yes they do, to those who will listen.
    You call people who don't agree with you "deniers" (the church used terms like heathens, infidels etc)
    Not me. I call you flat earthers.
    So all in all, pretty ancient and backwards thinking but it has a big movement because most people are dumb
    LOL the dumb ones follow conservative pollies and shock jocks who have no idea what they are talking about.
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