Let's call a spade a spade here.If it is good enough to require...

  1. 22,727 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Let's call a spade a spade here.

    If it is good enough to require Iran to demolish its nuclear program then surely it is also good enough and fair to ask Isreal to do the same including the destruction of its current nuclear arsnel and delivery systems. That only fair and equitable.

    Secondly, while Isreal presents itself as the bastion of Middle East democracy it should practice what it preaches.
    Isreal has cordoned-off Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in a national no man's land. Either these Palestinians are part of Isreal and diserve to vote in Isreali elections(as such they would be almost a majority) or they are non Isreali nationals and diserve their own soverign state. Isreal cannot have its cake and eat it!
    The Palestinian question like the Irish question will not simply fade away and be forgotten.Just look at Northern Ireland today 350 years after the Protestant plantation and 842 years since the English/Norman invasion.

    The uneasy "peace" in Northern Ireland post the Good Friday agreement is only a temporary truce to avoid the IRA and associates being hounded by the USA post 09/11
    as a terrorist organisation and having US fundraising banned. The USA also wanted SinnFein & the IRA to sever
    ties with the then Libya's Gadaffi and other socialist-
    muslim regimes.Once Sinn Fein gains political respectibility in both the North & the South (ala
    Martin McGuinness' recent pitch for President) then we will likely see a renewed assault on N.I's freedom from England and unification with the South.

    Unless something fair and right is done about the Middle east now then it is likely to suffer the "Irish Problem" for centuries.

    Middle east self interest should give way to a fair and equitable Middle East which has the best chance of lasting peace. that uncludes nuclear disarment and a resolution of the Palestinian problem.

    One would expect Isreal & the Jewish people who suffered
    an outrageous fate under the German Nazi regime not to visit this outrage on the Palistenians by ghettoising them, dehumanising them and killing them
    and then expect the rest of the world to say "good on ya mate".If the "Irish question" teaches us anything then surely it is that the memory of dispossession, unfairness and hardship never fades away and peace is impossible
    unless a fair settlement is reached.

    (Back from an Irish holiday)
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