"My view is that it all stems from the fact that as children...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "My view is that it all stems from the fact that as children they were never subjected to any religious pressures like we are in the West."

    a very astute observation, sandminer. The Chinese people are not religious, not in the way that is understood in the West. Their main form of worship was ancestors worship, not sure if this has been banned since 1950.

    With its huge population and lack of arable land, life in China is hard and tough for the majority of them. I would think most of them would be glad to have a roof over their heads, enough foods on the table everyday, education for their children. They want a government that provides social and political stability. Human rights, freedom, that we treasure so much in the West are unlikely to be on the top of their list of concerns for the majority of them.

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