china boom still has plenty of momentum, page-26

  1. 3,805 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    thorburn wrote "you try to distract us with the capitalist vrs communist argument. When in fact we don't give a stuff."

    But I think you (collective) really do give a stuff
    A few quotes form this thread

    "My reservation with China is always that it is a closed society...."

    "Reality will catch up. You cannot defy basic economic principals via decree."

    "It's all about how China manage the changes, they are not the most flexible administration"

    they have managed enormous changes since the mid 70's when they were dirt poor (thanks to Mao for the poverty), that amount of change on a population of 1 billion required quite a bit of flexibility given they had a society run like North Korea to start with

    I questioned the belief that "One way or another China will collapse"
    and this was countered with "China's current boom will (has already) collapse(d)" - notice the subtle rephrasing!

    In other places it seems I'm accused of being gullible - blind to reality etc

    I'm not pro-China or anti-US. Not at all!
    In fact I'd prefer a multi-polar situation
    I'd also prefer China be less nationalistic

    But one ignores reality at their peril.
    We can all agree on that I think.
    The disagreement is over who is seeing reality

    thorburn: "The economics forum isn't biased and from what I've read is probably the most constructive, free thinking, balanced and formulative forum on Hot Copper.
    But that is why you're reading this, true?"

    IMHO I think many of you enjoy this forum because you mostly get your opinions confirmed by like minded.

    'If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.' George S. Patton

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