Unfortunately most here are either US lapdogs or Commo suck jobs...

  1. 42,194 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1022
    Unfortunately most here are either US lapdogs or Commo suck jobs or this is how I perceived it to me.

    Whinging gets us no where just like the financial markets. Get caught on the wrong side and a silent prayer could be just as effective as a loud whinging blame. As I posted from that article my suspicion is beginning to come true and this. We didn't get the contents of the review first proposed by Scomo, we got a review watered down if you believe our leader but what will the review achieve? US/Trump will reject any contents that doesn't agree with his positioning and ditto China. If people don't start joining the dots and see that Chinese diplomacy have taken their gloves off because we started removing ours in broad daylight and the optics suggest we were doing the US bidding regardless of fact (will always remain illusive) they are very naive.

    Unfortunately the ambassador to Oz gave a very big hint of this and Birmingham will not be getting a "privileged" meeting with his counterparts. Coal exports will now contract and IO will be delayed. Education will likely contracts too without their Govt intervention, just the natural realities of a down shift in economics globally. Lobsters and tourism will most likely met the natural symptoms of an economic cycle. This is what I am reading from the Chinese and breaking news that they are not reporting GDP numbers this year is sort of confirming that it growth contraction rather than recession like what the developed world is facing. Our jobless figure as you may gather from Josh's error is likely to be 3+M more! This is really bad news although if you look at the XJO, you would think the worse is over for us!

    Economic recovery is that much more difficult if our exports are impacted in this manner. All I hear is that we should increase immigration, RBA printing more money , force banks to hibernate charging loan interest and dig into their tier 1 cash reserve to leverage up their loan books, I see again very ST solutions which somehow always revolves around manipulating the RE from crashing. The current crash is not the banks but its client base in the majors then the smaller corporate debt as linked to the retail spending. Throw in reducing banks capitalization away from Basel 3 standards and we are likely to get a double whammy. GFC was just a banking crisis.
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